System Latency Report displays a summary of the org's connection timing as well as response time of steps from sessions. The goal is to assist Kobiton Organizations to notice latency and determine where the latency is occurring. The feature aims to provide transparency, insights, and to troubleshoot the root cause of a performance issue that could occur in Kobiton Lightning Mode.
- Only Manual and Mixed session types are measured in this report, not Automation session.
- This report only includes sessions on devices on Latest Kobiton platform.
Manual commands that we measure include:
Press button: Home, Power, Volume Up, Volume Down, Delete, Enter, App Switch (Android), Back (Android)
We only measure the timing from the Device to the Browser for those devices hosted with GEM (sessions that have Lightning Mode enabled).
If data of a session = N/A, it means that user doesn't perform any supported manual commands (listed above) in their sessions.
How to use this report
To view the System Latency Report, go to “Predefined Reports” page. Click on System Latency Report to view its details.
Summary Report by Connection type
You can see the latency by connection type: from browsers to devices, browser to server, server to deviceShare, etc. By default, you will see the summary report of the last 7 days. You can select other timeframe to view the report accordingly. Note that you'll be able to view report of 1 month at maximum.
On this Summary table - we calculate the Average, Minimum, Maximum and Median latency of all manual sessions' commands (manual commands in mixed sessions are also included).
Detailed report for each connection
You can click on “Details” button at the end of each Connection type row to view detailed report of each connection:
Click on the arrow to drill-down the data to lower level (view all deviceShare of 1 location or view all sessions per deviceShare).
By default, we will display 10 sessions per deviceShare - you can click on “See more” to view more data.
We support searching data on this report. Select Details of a Connection type to access the search bar. You can search by Location, deviceShare, Session ID, User or Device UDID. Simply use this format: <Search category>:<keyword>. We support searching with multiple category. For example:
“location:Atlanta user:johndoe” will search any session with Location matched “atlanta” and was run by user “johndoe”
The search result table will return all records matched with your criteria. If your keyword has space in between, you need to put it in a double quote. For example: “location:”atlanta - US”