Step 1: Setting in Portal
Go to Portal page → User → Settings → Network Capturing tab
Here, enter the domain name(s) that you wish to capture separated by whitespace or comma.
Moreover, click on the Advanced settings. Here, you can choose data types that you want to capture in your requests/responses by turning them on using toggle buttons.
Click Apply.
Step 2: Get device UDID
Plug the device into a macOS computer.
In the macOS computer, open Finder, choose your iPhone, then click in the header just under your phone’s name until you can see the UDID. Then, right-click and choose Copy UDID.
Step 3: Install Kobiton Certificate:
First, download Kobiton certificate for Network Payload Capture (NPC):
For setting up NPC for devices on Latest Kobiton platform, a certificate file from Kobiton is required. Contact the Kobiton support team for the download link.
For setting up NPC for devices on Legacy Kobiton platform, a certificate file from Kobiton is required. Contact the Kobiton support team for the download link.
Download Kobiton Certificate by using the macOS computer, you can Airdrop to send the certificate file to your devices.
Step 1: Turn on Airdrop in your iPhone and your macOS computer.
Step 2: Right-click on the certificate file in the macOS computer, choose Share, then choose AirDrop, then choose Accept.
Step 4: Download Kobiton Certificate Authority
On the iOS device, go to Settings → General → Profiles → Choose the Kobiton Certificate Authority → select Install on the top right corner of the Screen → Done.
Step 5: Enable Kobiton certificate with full trust for root certificates
On the iOS device, go to Settings → General → About → Certificate Trust Settings.
Look at the Enable Full Trust For Root Certificate table view and make sure that the Kobiton Certification Authority is ON (otherwise, just tap on the toggle button to turn it on) then your device is ready to go.
Step 6: Remove any created passcode on the iOS device before moving further
Step 7: Download Apple Configuration 2 in AppStore
Do not plug the iOS device into the macOS computer yet.
Go to the AppStore or follow the link here to download the Apple Configurator 2 application.
Open Apple Configurator 2.
In Apple Configurator 2 on the top of your screen, Click on choose Install Automation Tools in the Apple Configurator 2 menu, click Install, then enter your administrator password.
Step 8: Add file config
Do not plug the iOS device in this step and do not start Kobiton Desktop App yet.
Go to the path below (In other to get the device UDID, please check step 2 above).
/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application Support/Kobiton/devices/your-device-udid
Create a file named config in this folder with the content below:
{"unlockPasscodeEnabled": false, "networkPayloadCaptureEnabled": true}
Step 9: Testing Network Payload capture
Make sure that the macOS computer connects to the same Wifi/Ethernet address as the iOS device.
Plug the iOS mobile device into the macOS computer and launch Kobiton Desktop application.
Moreover, make sure that the Apple configurator tool is started and running before the test for iOS devices.
Start your test session including Manual (or Appium automation) that accesses the domain which is set up to capture payload in step 1.
You can view the payload in the tab Observe Request / Response Payloads on the Session Detail page on the Kobiton portal.