Bypass iOS Device Passcode


  • On the Kobiton Mac, download the latest version of Apple Configurator 2. At the time of this writing, the latest version is 2.11.1 (3K81).
  • On the iOS devices:
    • Remove iCloud account 
    • Disable Restriction mode

Apple Configurator 2 Settings

  1. Open the Apple Configurator 2 application.
  2. On the menu bar, open the Apple Configurator 2 dropdown menu and select Install Automation Tools.
  3. On the Install Automation Tools popup, click Install.install-automation-tools-popup.png
  4. On the Apple Configurator 2 is trying to add a new helper popup, enter your username and password (login info) and click Add

Import Organization

  1. On the menu bar, click Apple Configurator 2 title > Preferences and select Organizations.
  2. On the bottom left, select the + symbol 
  3. On the Create an Organization popup, click Next.
  4. On the Sign in to Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, sign in with your Apple credentials or click Skip to create a new organization.  
  5. On Create an Organization,
    1. fill in the necessary information (Name is the only required field) and click Next
    2. Select Generate a new supervision identity and click Done 
  6. Enter the Mac's password and select Update Settings.
  7. Back in the Organizations tab, click on the ellipses dropdown menu and select Import Organization.



Create and Export Supervision Identity

  1. On the menu bar, click Apple Configurator 2 title > Preference and select the Organizations tab
  2. Click on the ellipses dropdown menu
  3. Select Export Supervision Identityapple-configurator2-export-supervision-identity.png
  4. To export, fill in the following fields and click Save:
    • Save as: Organization.der
    • Where: Save these files somewhere easily accessible
    • Format: Unencrypted DER (.crt and .der, for Automator and cfgutil)

  5. On the Export for cfgutil popup, click Export

Activate Supervised Mode for iOS devices

  1. Use a USB cable to attach your iOS device to the Mac
  2. Click on Unsupervised tab, right click on the iOS device and select Prepare
  3. On the Prepare Devices modal, set the fields as follows:
    1. Prepare with: Manual Configuration
    2. Enable Supervise devices and Allow devices to pair with other computers
    3. Click Next 
  4. On the Enroll in MDM Server modal, select Do not enroll in MDM and click Next 
  5. On the Assign to Organization, select Kobiton Inc. and click Next 
  6. On the Configure iOS Setup Assistant, Setup Assistant: Don’t show any of these steps and click Prepare
  7. If the confirmation popup is displayed, click Erase 
  8. After the device has completed the preparing process, on the physical device, go through the device setup and sign in with your Apple ID credentials 
  9. On the Apple Configurator 2 app, the device will be moved from the Unsupervised tab to the Supervised tab


Unlock Token Device Settings 

  1. If not already, connect the device via USB to the Mac
  2. Move or copy & paste Organization.crt and Organization.der (created in Create and Export Supervision Identity section) to:
    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kobiton/
  3. Navigate to:
    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kobiton/devices/${device udid}
  4.  In the {device’s UDID} directory, create the following two files and respective information: 
      • passcode:
        "key": "{8-digit passcode}"
      • config:
  5. For the updates to take place, unplug and plug the device back into the Mac

Troubleshooting Notes

  • If the Kobiton desktop cannot detect the iOS device, on the physical device:
    1. Turn the screen on 
    2. Enter the device's passcode
    3. Click the Trust button
  • If the desktop does not recognize the device, restart the desktop app to trigger the device's startup process
  •  Set devices to Allow access to USB accessories:
    1. Go to settings > FaceID & passcode
    2. Under Allow Access When Locked, turn on USB accessories 
  • Set 8-character passcodes on devices 

Known Limitations:

  • When restarting the Mac Mini, Apple Desktop, or device, Apple will require a manual code bypass on the physical device. 
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