Using Kobiton’s automation settings, you can configure your test scripts using the Appium framework. The automation settings have all the required configurations you need to automate your test using the Appium framework. Here we discuss the capabilities you can use in your Appium test with Kobiton.
Generate the desired capabilities as per your test requirements and update your test script.
Please note: Kobiton always overrides the automationName setting on desired capabilities to Appium.
On Androids, if the automationName attribute is empty or has the value Appium, Kobiton will set a default value for it as below:
Android version < 5: automationName = UIAutomator1
Android version >= 5: automationName = UIAutomator2
- other OS versions (for example, iOS): automationName = UIAutomator2
For other input values such as 'espresso', Kobiton leaves the value unchanged. Further support for other values will be added later on.
See Appium document for automationName for more detail.
Key | Value Type | Description |
groupID | Integer | The default value is the group the device belongs to. The system will base it on the defined groupID to generate the automation test sessions. |
sessionName | String | The default value is Automation test session. Name your automation test session. |
sessionDescription | String | Describe your test session objective. |
deviceOrientation | String | The default value is Portrait. Start testing in a certain orientation: Portrait or Landscape. |
captureScreenshots | Boolean | Enable capturing device screen during the test session. The default value is true. This feature is not available on Hybrid/Native app testing & devices with Android version lower than 6.0. |
noReset | Boolean | This key is only used for in-house devices. The default value is True. System doesn't clear app data, browser's cache and history after ending session. For Kobiton cloud devices, system will always clear app data, browser's cache and history. |
fullReset | Boolean | This key is only used for in-house devices. The default value is False. System doesn't uninstall applications that are installed in the session after ending session. If you want to uninstall apps after ending session, please use both keys {noReset: false, fullReset: true}. For Kobiton cloud devices, system will always uninstall applications that are installed within the session. |
browserName | String | The mobile web browser that will be automated in the device. It should be Chrome or Chrome Beta browser on Android devices and Safari browser on iOS devices. |
app | String | The location of your app; the value could be either Kobiton Application Repository or absolute url. For example: kobiton-store:123, |
deviceGroup | String | The default value is the group the device belongs to. Group device value could be either: ANY, ORGANIZATION or KOBITON. System will filter device in any existing group if you set deviceGroup to empty. |
platformVersion | String |
platformName | String | Which mobile OS platform to use. |
deviceName | String |
udid | String | This key is only used for in-house devices. System will filter device based on the device UDID. |
failIfNoInternet | Boolean |