Create a Team

Create a Team

  1. On Org Management, select Teams tab.Screen_Shot_2022-03-25_at_6.02.21_PM.png
  2. Click the Create button Screen_Shot_2022-03-25_at_5.50.30_PM.png
  3. On the the Add New Team modal, fill out:
    • Team name
    • Team description Screen_Shot_2022-03-25_at_6.03.48_PM.png
  4. Click Save

Team Details

  1. Go to Organization Management, select a team by clicking on its name.Mar-28-2022_23-22-35.gif
  2. In Team Details, we have several options: Clone, Disable, Mark as Default, Delete.Screen_Shot_2022-03-28_at_11.26.17_PM.png
    - Clone: You can create a new Team with similar settings to an existing Team, such as assigned member users, devices, cleanup policy. 
    - Disable: You can disable/enable a Team if you want to temporarily disengage a Team from devices usage.
    Teams marked as Default Team can’t be Disabled or Deleted.
    - Mark as Default: Any newly invited member user to an Organization will be assigned automatically to Default Team.
    - Delete: Delete a Team when you need to disengage a Team forever. 
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