Kobiton supports the Appium, XCUITest, and Espresso testing frameworks.
Kobiton automatically records each action performed with a screenshot. To view screenshots: Hover over your device Select Show automation settings Toggle Allow screen capture on / off
Yes, each Kobiton device has an active Google account configured on it.
Yes, Kobiton records all automation commands, including HTTP commands, and captures screenshots associated with each command.
No Kobiton public devices do not need to be signed with an Apple provisioning profile. The devices will accept the upload your binary (.ipa file).
Yes, private iOS devices will require an Apple provisioning profile.
No. If your testing requires internet access from the host machine, please contact us.
If testing device are available, tests will usually start within minutes. If not, Kobiton will queue the necessary devices to complete testing.
If the live view feature is enabled, you are able to view your automation session execution in real-time However please note the following: Only the session creator can view the live video. If the live video is opened on multiple windows or tabs, only the first window/tab will show it.
You are only able to view your automation session execution in real-time if your organization is enabled with this feature. There are some rules for this:
- Only the session creator can view the live video.
- If the live video is opened on multiple windows or tabs, only the first window/tab will show it
Live View is an on-demand feature. Please contact our customer support to use this!
CertificateError: hostname'x.x.x.x'doesn't match either of
That is a known issue of Python Selenium client, and you have to update your script for remote driver initialization as below:
self.kobitonServerUrl = "https://username:APIKey@api.kobiton.com/wd/hub"
self._command_executor = RemoteConnection(self.kobitonServerUrl, resolve_ip=False)
self.driver = webdriver.Remote(self._command_executor, configs.desired_caps_android_web)
- Retrieve Automation settings from your Kobiton device.
- On Katalon application, open Project -> Settings -> Execution -> Remote as [here].(https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Execution+Settings#ExecutionSettings-DesiredCapabilities)
- Input automation settings, along with newCommandTimeout settings retrieved from step #1 to this form:
- Execute the selected test script using the Remote option as here.